Summer flowers

"To me, flowers are happiness."
Stefano Gabbana

I thought I'd post about my early summer flowers that are currently blossoming.  Let's take a walk through my yard...

This is Spiderwort, also known as Indian Paint.  It likes to open in the morning and will often close in the afternoon when the sun shines on them.  I have it in this blue/purple as well as pink.  It's quite hardy and spreads easily.

Lilies are usually quite hardy.  I have a variety.  These peach ones with their green centers are really pretty.

Many people have ditch lilies as they are referred to, I have my fair share.  But I have double centers, which aren't as common.

I planted dogwood bushes a few years ago.  They have grown like crazy.  They get a white flower, but they also get a white berry that robins love to eat!

These are Goosenecks, still not fully open...

I have a large patch of Blue Globe Thistles.  The bee's absolutely love them!  They grow about 48 inches high, are drought resistant and deer leave them alone.

My mother-in-law just planted this red Bee Balm.  I'm hoping it will spread and that I'll have a nice patch.

Black-eyed Susan's...

This is Aaron's Rod or Great Mullein, it is quite common in Britain.  It loves sunny area's!  It gets very tall and is a prime food source for the Mullein Moth.

I grow a patch of Baby's Breath, which always makes a great cut flower!

These are Cranesbill Wild Geranium's...

The majority of flowers in my garden are perennials, but I did plant some Zinnia's this year.

I love green flowers!  I also planted some blush colored Zinnia's but they haven't bloomed yet.

I hope you are enjoying your summer flowers too!


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