Green County Wisconsin Barn Quilts

If you find yourself in Green County Wisconsin you'll have the opportunity to see more than 150 Barn quilts!  After a couple of trips there I was able to take a few pictures of them to share with you if by chance you never get to see them in person...

There are so many to see!

I met many friends that day...the quilt is called "Rosie's Star".

This one was at an apple orchard...

Appropriately called "Apple a day".

Love that this one matches the barn so well...called "Star over Bethlehem".

Barn quilt of a barn...clever!  It's called "Covered Bridge".

This one is called "Spider Web".

Love this one...called "Grandmother's flower garden".

Look at the detail...It's called "Rainbow blossom".

This one is on a building at the fairgrounds...

You'll find this one on the county line...


By all means, if you love barn quilts don't miss Green County Wisconsin!


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