Abandoned Homes

Let's talk about abandonment...

I took a trip to North Carolina a few years back.  While I was there my husband and I drove the country roads and discovered many beautiful things.  Sadly, we also came across many abandoned homes that had long been left by their families.  Years of neglect had brought many of them to mere shambles.  And while we were able to capture some poignant photo opportunities, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.  When I look at a home or really any piece of architecture I try to see more than four walls that define the space.  I try to think about who worked tirelessly on planning and building and making the space inhabitable.  For a family home you take that one step further.  You think about the people that called those houses home.  The joys that they experienced while they raised their families,  and the sadness they had to contend with as they moved through life.
If walls could talk...

"Go oft to the house of thy friend,for weeds choke the unused path."

Ralph Waldo Emerson


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